Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing

Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing is much important topics to discuss . Do you know that by 2020, consumers will manage 85% of their relationships without talking to another human? Consumers are more likely to do their own research about your company before your first point of contact with them.

What Marketing Signifies?

      Presently, marketing is a way of presenting the brand to an end user, with an aim to sell the brand. Sounds easier said than done, isn’t it? Here’s where it gets a little rough. Marketing does not merely mean placing the product or service in the market and waiting for the customer to waltz right in, on the contrary, it means defining the target customer and market, conducting a survey to understand the consumer and using tools and techniques to analyse his behaviour. This data would give you some solid conclusion about how the marketing pitch should be and how you should go about it.

     A good marketing pitch fulfils customer-needs precisely by meeting their content, time and access preferences. Great marketing finds and keep customers. But with so many marketing options, it can be difficult for companies to know how to allocate marketing amount efficiently. Now more than ever, people spend more time online than they spend reading books or magazines, or even watching TV?

What Defines Traditional Marketing?

      Traditional marketing comprises of print ads in newspapers, periodicals and magazines, billboards, direct mail, business cards, posters, trade-show-booths, TV and radio commercials and printed paraphernalia such as brochures or leaflets.

     These were effective mediums until the advent of the internet and they are perhaps somewhat relevant even today. As a miniscule part of a brand’s marketing strategy. However, traditional marketing has had its run and is now perhaps approaching the last mile of the race.

Does This Medium Still Work?

 To fully appreciate how digital marketing has overpowered the traditional medium, let’s look at it from a different angle; think of it this way, do you still carry the same cell phone you purchased 10 years ago? Or do you still drive the same vehicle that you had purchased aeons ago? Most likely not.
Traditional marketing is somewhat similar to that outdated cell phone, which has a limited audience, is static and there’s a time lapse in the communication. Not to mention, it is expensive and manages to reach only a local audience.

What Does Digital Marketing Signify?

     Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, LinkedIn and many other Social Medias have emerged as the transformational new digital marketing tool. What’s more, these media have seamlessly integrated into our everyday lives and it can be said that nearly all of us are connected all of the time. There’s a real time impact on the personal and professional lives and this has taken a whole new dimension for corporations establishing their brand presence on the digital stage.

     Many organizations are in the process of scratching out traditional marketing and opting for complete digital advertising campaigns. To what result you may ask?
Research statistics suggest that organisations that have opted out of traditional marketing fall somewhere in the bracket of 140-160%. Whereas expenditure on digital marketing increased over 14%. And it’s not just advertising that is affected, the digital medium has intrinsically changed the way businesses work as well. for example, Newsweek, a well-known magazine brand has switched to a digital publication.

     The challenges faced by a digital marketer today are evolving, dynamic and tangible in real time. Smart digital agencies fully utilize the given mediums, engage and interact with the customer with fresh, relevant content, calibrate campaigns if needed and do it at a fraction of the cost as compared to traditional marketing methods.

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